Spinal Degeneration
With the build up of subluxations in our spine, tension and altered movement over years, spinal joints, discs and ligaments and other tissues begin to fatigue and “wear out”.
Spinal degeneration or decay often begins with the first subluxations of childhood left uncorrected. While it is very common, it is not “normal”. It is the result of abnormal spinal motion. With the help of chiropractic care it can be avoided or minimized.
There are 3 phases of spinal degeneration:
Disc spaces appear healthy
Normal alignment and spinal curves are present
No degeneration is evident
Phase 1
Loss of normal curves and alignments are noted
Supporting tissues are weakened
Abnormal movement interferes with nerve and other tissue function
Obvious symptoms or pain may not be present
Phase 2
To compensate for weak supporting tissues, the body has begun to grow irregular calcium to help stiffen the area. There is also evidence of the disc beginning to wear out and dry up. Continued nerve interference and aggravation of other tissues is present.
Phase 3
Left uncorrected, after years of degeneration, this spinal segment has
fused completely. Nerve openings have greatly narrowed. Adjacent
segments will wear more quickly under the extra stress. This usually occurs later
on in life and is described to be experienced as a limited amount of spinal
movement, shuffled walking and the inability to stand straight whilst experiencing
pain and more.